Committee Members


Documents and Downloads

Privacy Statement

Useful Links

Hungerford Town Website

Hungerford Town Council

West Berkshire Council

Town & Manor of Hungerford

Visit Hungerford UK

Hungerford Victorian Extravaganza


Benefits of Joining The Hungerford Chamber of Commerce

Member to member discounts
Many of our members offer discounts to fellow members please ask for details.

Press advertising
We have developed close relationships with the local press such as The Newbury Weekly News, The Hungerford and Marlborough Weekly Adviser and The Newbury & Thatcham Chronicle. All of these publications offer great coverage and as a Chamber of Commerce member we are often able to negotiate substantial reductions.

The Chamber of Commerce website
This newly revamped website offers many opportunities to promote businesses of any type to a much wider audience. Every member business has a link to their own website. The site will also include a news blog which will have regular interesting articles on business matters. We welcome contributors from any business (Chamber member or not).

There are a number of events such as the Victorian Extravaganza which provide opportunities for sponsorship through advertising, banner displays, display boards and programmes.

Networking with other Chamber Members
Although we are not a formal networking organisation, the very fact that we have regular monthly meetings and other events gives members a chance to talk about their businesses in a low-key, friendly environment.

Like to Join?



Why should I join?
To maximise your business opportunities through networking

  • Inclusion on this website

  • Trade discounts from fellow members

  • Links with other local organisations

  • Advice, help and support from other local businesses

  • Discounted advertising and marketing

  • To ensure that your views are represented when decisions about your town are made

  • Make a difference to the town with community involvement

  • And last but not least a great way to meet local business people in a social atmosphere!

Do I have to attend meetings?
No! But it’s a great way to meet people, keep up to date with what’s happening in the town.

Our meetings, which are very well attended are always lively and informative are generally held on the first Thursday of the month at various venues around the town – mainly in function rooms of our local hotels. We keep members informed through this website, regular emails and our notice board, under the railway bridge, in the town.

Can I attend if I am not a member?
Yes! We encourage businesses to attend a few meetings to see at first hand what the benefits of membership are. There is no pressure to join but we always welcome new members.

What does it cost?
The cost of membership is reviewed every year and currently is set at £50 for new and existing members. In addition to this we are able to offer the following:

a 50% reduction for new start-ups for the first year.
a 20% reduction for returning/lapsed members.

If you would like to join or find out more about the Hungerford Chamber of Commerce, call 07867 896855 or email Chamber of Commerce for more information and feel free to come join us at our next meeting and see what we are about.